Annual Meeting
October 12, 2010


*Due to the fact that only 18 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. Homeowners not in attendance are receiving a ballot included with these Minutes in which to vote. (This will be done via email or regular mail if an email is not available.)

Called to order at 6:45 p.m. in the conference room at the First National Bank on Challis Road, Brighton. Present: Board members - Trish Petrat, Don Merckling, & Sara Thomas. Members – Lisa & Chase Chapman, Sheila Czornij, Bruce & Sandra Everett, Michele Ford & two of her sons, Ann Goldon, Renee & Michael Green, Dan & Donna Kashian, Rebecca Krug, Darlene & Bill Lapham, Bud Longfellow, Carl Mauch, Bob Reske, Dennis & Sherry Smith, Jack & Donna Swint, Rick Thomas, Bernie Wilke, & Rick Zahler.

Welcome: Trish welcomed everyone in attendance. This year we had pizza and pop to socialize a bit before the meeting. Everyone seemed very receptive.

Treasurer’s report: Sara gave a summary of the financial statement. Motion made by Dennis Smith; seconded by Mike Green to approve treasurer’s report. Passed unanimously. Discussion regarding the need to renew the CD in February 2011. Motion made by Bruce Everett; seconded by Carl Mauch for Sara to review interest rates at the time of renewal (including money markets) and then to renew the CD up to a 1-year time frame or open a money market account. It is also understood that $700 will be left in the checking account. Passed unanimously.

Dues: Payable in the amount of $30 to “MVIA” and due by November 12, 2010. Please contact Sara by clicking here to send her an e-mail if you need additional information. Sara stated that only one statement will be sent to residents this year about the dues and that if they are not received in a timely fashion, a lien will be pursued. She stated that she does not think it is reasonable that several letters have to be sent as reminders. Residents need to be responsible for getting the dues paid on time without coaxing.

Natural areas survey: Sara reviewed the proposal to get the surveyed corners marked so we know exactly where the boundary lines are of the land that is owned by the subdivision in order to know what is happening with it (for example, if people are dumping) as well as to hedge against the long-term potential for an adverse possession claim. Sara received a quote from B F Thompson Surveyors as follows:

After looking at the aerial photos of the area and having some familiarity with the Subdivision, it appears that we could relocate the corners of "Mountain View Park", and set wood lath at any missing corners (=/- 1/2' accuracy), for $800 and the same for Lot #5, but also set at least 2 intermediate points on the southwest and on the northeast lines for $500, assuming this work could be done after the leaves have departed for the season (October 15 -November 1 +/-). I am sure that you are aware but there is a 66' x 190' ft. parcel between the park and Lot 2 that the LC Road Commission most likely owns, or at least controls. It is public land but you must leave it available for future public road purposes. We can relocate those points for no charge at the same time, if you are interested.

Brad F. Thompson, P.E., P.S. #23828
B.F.THOMPSON, PC., 1520 Gulley Rd., Howell, MI 48843

Dan Kashian stated that he had already found the boundary points between his property (Lot 1) and the “Mountain View Park”. Others mentioned that a group could go out and, using a survey, possibly be able to locate the remaining corners. However, after such a long time, it may be fairly difficult which is why surveyors can be necessary since they have the equipment and expertise (and authority) to interpret boundaries. Carl Mauch felt it would be nice to have a set of goals for the neighborhood in terms of spending our funds. For example, where would a survey rate on a list items that the neighborhood could pursue. Motion made by Rick Thomas; seconded by Rick Zahler to allocate $1,000 as a contingency plan but attempt to locate the legal boundaries ourselves first. Yes: 14; No: 3. (Michele Ford left early). Motion passed.

Livingston County Road Commission: Reminder that lawn edges should be marked at the street for the snow plows and to not put trash cans in the street on snowy days. They need to be at the end of driveways off the road.

Yard waste drop-off: Genoa Township has two drop-off days – Sat., 10/23 and Sat., 11/20 from 9:00 am until noon.

Nominations for new board members: Motion made by Bruce Everett; seconded by Sherry Smith to keep current board. Passed unanimously.

Other: Road Commission service: Sherry Smith suggested that as many people as possible call the Road Commission on heavy snow days in order to get better service.

Neighborhood sign: Sherry Smith inquired about the proposed sign for the entry way to the subdivision that had been discussed a couple years back. It had been determined that due to Road Commission requirements, the sign would have ended up in the middle of the Love’s side yard. Funds had been voted to pursue it but never spent since it didn’t happen.

Visibility & sidewalk: Rebecca Krug expressed concern about the visibility when pulling out of Catalpa Drive East due to the hill. Wanted to know if there is anything we can do. The suggestion was made that maybe the Road Commission could be approached to put up a sign stating “Hidden intersection” to force oncoming traffic to be prepared to yield if necessary. She also thought it would be nice to have a sidewalk between Catalpa and the Grand Circles along Challis Road to connect the entrances for people walking or biking. That would improve safety as well.

Suspicious vehicle: Dan & Donna Kashian reported a black car parked along Grand Circle near their home and the Meffert home (historic house on Challis). They walk their dog early in the morning and have seen a man drinking beer in it a couple times a month. He doesn’t attempt to hide from them. A pile of beer cans have been found in that location a few times. It was recommended that they call the police the next time they see him. This is a reminder to neighbors to be diligent about who is in the neighborhood and to report anything suspicious activity to the authorities.

Holiday party: Sherry Smith suggested that the Association rent an inexpensive hall to host a holiday get-together with everyone bringing appetizers to pass so we can get to know each other, especially with some of the newer folks that have moved in in the past few years. One possibility mentioned is the Brighton Community Center. Don Merckling will also check out the use of the Livingston Conservation Club in Hamburg since he is a member. Sherry offered to coordinate and will get back to Trish with her findings. Motioned made by Sherry Smith; seconded by Don Merckling to allocate $250 for hall rental if the decision is made to move forward. Motion passed.

Roaming cats: Sheila Czornij expressed concern about the number of cats roaming the neighborhood. Others have seen them as well. People are encouraged to keep their cats indoors or under supervision when outside.

Sledding hill: Bruce Everett mentioned that the Township is building a sledding hill at the Township Hall property on Dorr Road.

Adjournment - Motion made by Bernie Wilke; seconded by Rick Zahler to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Motion passed.

Submitted by:
Sara E. Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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