Annual Meeting
October 13, 2009


*Due to the fact that only 14 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. Homeowners not in attendance are receiving a ballot included with these Minutes in which to vote. (This will be done via e-mail or regular mail if an e-mail is not available.)

Called to order at 7:01 p.m. in the conference room at the First National Bank on Challis Road, Brighton. Present: Board members - Trish Petrat, Don Merckling, & Sara Thomas. Members – Bruce Everett, Ann Goldon, Renee & Michael Green, Dan Kashian, Rebecca Krug & David __________, Darlene Lapham, Bud Longfellow, Jeanette & Carl Mauch, Dennis Smith, Jack Swint, Rick Thomas, Bernie Wilke, & Rick Zahler.

Welcome: Trish welcomed everyone in attendance.

Treasurer’s report: Sara gave a summary of the financial statement. Motion made by Rick Zahler; seconded by Jeanette Mauch to approve treasurer’s report. Passed unanimously. Discussion regarding the need to renew the CD in February 2010. Motion made by Don Merckling; seconded by Rick Zahler for Sara to renew CD up to a 1-year time period depending on the interest rate when the current CD comes due. It is also understood that $700 will be left in the checking account. Passed unanimously.

Livingston County Road Commission: They have asked that lawn edges be marked at the street for the snow plows and to not put trash cans in the street on snowy days. They need to be at the end of driveways off the road.

Yard waste drop-off: Genoa Township has two drop-off days – Sat., 10/24 and Sat., 11/21 from 9:00 am until noon.

Dues: Payable in the amount of $30 to “MVIA” and due by November 13, 2009. Please contact Sara by clicking here to send her an e-mail if you need additional information.

Nominations for new board members: Motion made by Bruce Everett; seconded by Jack Swint to keep current board. Passed unanimously.

Other: Water drainage in depression between Catalpa Drive and Challis Road: Jack expressed concern that water from rain and snow is accumulating instead of draining in the bottom of the depression behind his home. It started initially after Challis Road was paved back in the 1980s but it doesn’t seem to ever dissipate now and he is concerned that young children & grandchildren may get in there. Trish offered to make an initial contact with the Drain Commission to see what the options might be.

Garage sale: There were mixed results for the residents that participated. Some did great; others had little traffic. Still is worth doing again next year if there is interest. (Thanks to Linda Michele-Dobel for organizing it!)

Adjournment - Motion made by Jeanette Mauch; seconded by Carl Mauch to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.

Submitted by:

Sara E. Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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