Annual Meeting
October 14, 2008


*Due to the fact that only 16 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. Homeowners not in attendance are receiving a ballot included with these Minutes in which to vote.

Called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the conference room at the First National Bank on Challis Road, Brighton. Present: Board members - Trish Petrat, Don Merckling, & Sara Thomas. Members – Tom Bloomer, Zenon & Sheila Czornij, Bruce Everett, Ann Goldon, Renee & Michael Green, Dan Kashian, Darlene Lapham, Jeanette & Carl Mauch, Cindy Perlman, Dennis Smith, Jack Swint, Rick Thomas, Michelle Vancleve, Bernie Wilke, & Rick Zahler.

Welcome & thank yous: Although not all were present, new residents were welcomed to the neighborhood – Rebecca Krug, Steve McClean, & Michelle Vancleve. Cindy Perlman brought welcome baskets for distribution. Trish thanked Bruce Everett, Don Merckling and Zenon Czornij for helping with the grass cutting in the past at 6443 Grand Circle. It was very much appreciated.

Treasurer’s report: Sara gave a summary of the financial statement. Motion made by Don Merckling; seconded by Carl Mauch to approve treasurer’s report. Passed unanimously. Discussion regarding the need to renew the CD early next year. Motion made by Dennis Smith; seconded by Bruce Everett for Sara to renew CD up to a 1-year time period depending on the interest rate when the current CD comes due. It is also understood that $700 will be left in the checking account. Passed unanimously.

Dues: Payable in the amount of $30 to “MVIA” and due by November 30, 2008.
Please contact Sara by clicking here to send her an e-mail if you need additional information.

Nominations for new board members: Motion made by Jeanette Mauch; seconded by Bruce Everett to keep current board. Passed unanimously.

Misc.: Darlene had an encounter with a man that had apparently been sleeping in their truck overnight. When discovered, he willingly left but she did call the police. He was apprehended but they decided not to prosecute. Jack relayed story about some teenage boys ringing doorbells and then leaving. They happened to be kids from down the street so he spoke with them about using better judgment. Sara brought up the activity of making luminaries out of milk jugs and placing them along the roadway on Christmas Eve. (This had been a tradition for some time in the neighborhood but has since declined. A flyer was handed out to those interested.)

Overgrown lawn at entrance to east Grand Circle: Neighbors are concerned about the appearance of the ditch area that is allowed to be overgrown by the artist who lives on Challis Road across Grand Circle from the Love’s home. Motion made by Don Merckling; seconded by Jack Swint for MVIA board representative to talk with township about what the options are and then, if necessary during the growing season, to authorize the cutting of it by a lawn care professional. Passed unanimously.

Adjournment - Motion made by Bernie Wilke; seconded by Cindy Perlman to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

Submitted by:

Sara E. Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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