Annual Meeting
October 30, 2006


*Due to the fact that only 17 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. Homeowners not in attendance are receiving a ballot included with this newsletter in which to vote.

Called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the conference room at the First National Bank on Challis Road, Brighton. Present: Board members – Trish Petrat, Don Merckling, and Sara Thomas. Members – Tom Bloomer, Zenon Czornij, Michele Ford, Michael Goldon, Renee & Mike Green, Dan & Donna Kashian, Cristy Kovath, Doris & Bud Longfellow, Kevin Love, Jeanette Mauch, Cindy Perlman, Dennis Smith, Jack Swint, Rick Thomas, Bernie Wilke.

Welcome: Trish welcomed new neighbors present: Dan & Donna Kashian. Cindy presented them with a welcome basket. Scott Howat is also new to the neighborhood but could not attend.

Treasurer’s report & financial issues: Sara went over the report.
(If you would like to see a copy of any Treasurer's Report, please contact Sara by clicking here to send her an e-mail with your request.) Doris motioned; Jack seconded to approve the financial statement. Pass unanimously.

Sara suggested taking $1,000.00 and transferring it to a CD. We will have plenty in the checking account once all the homeowners pay their dues. Dennis motioned; Kevin seconded to transfer $1,000.00 to a CD that has the best interest rate & reasonable length of time. Motion passed unanimously.

Sara reminded everyone that the current year (2006-07) association fees of $30.00 are now due. She asked that they be submitted by November 15, 2006.

Web address: Trish reserved the name: www.mvia45.com for us to have a web site for general communication. The cost was $25.00 for one year. General discussion around when email-based communication is appropriate. Cristy mentioned that some people, herself included, may want minutes in paper format due to hectic schedules & access to computers.

Purchase of Lot 5: Sara handed out title company documentation pertaining to the purchase of the vacant Lot 5 formerly owned by Sam Bono. Total cost came to $4,834.59. Thanks to Trish & Rick for stepping in to buy the lot before the tax reversion deadline since the association was not able to turn things around fast enough. The association ultimately bought it from Trish & Rick & the closing went smoothly.

Board of Directors election: No nominations were submitted. Doris motioned; Cindy seconded to keep the current board and officers. Passed unanimously.

Neighborhood directory: Trish has updated the directory since we have had several new neighbors move in. Members will receive one upon dues payment.

Other items:

Park signs: Discussion about putting up signs on both park areas to let people know that they are owned by the association. Proposed language: “Mountain View Park Nature Preserve. Private property. Authorized use only. No hunting.” Doris motioned; Cindy seconded to purchase two signs for a reasonable cost as discussed – possibly in the $150 range each. Motion passed unanimously. Several people brought up the issue of hunters accessing back property through our park areas. Easement access is legal, however.

Comcast service: Jack wondered if anyone else has had problems with Comcast. Many in the neighborhood have had issues. General discussion about franchise fees, etc.

Park committee: Several people volunteered to be on the park committee to discuss park usage. They will develop proposed guidelines for review by the neighborhood. Committee members: Zenon, Tom, Sara, & the Kashians.

Above ground pool issue: Cristy brought up concern regarding her inflatable pool that she had over the summer. Says she spent $300 on it and now can’t use it even though it isn’t a permanent structure. Feels it isn’t very fair since she has 3 kids who used it a lot and was placed near trees to shield the view somewhat. Trish confirmed that the language in the deed restriction prohibits any above ground pools. Don mentioned that the County is concerned with these inflatable ones since they don’t seem to comply with the regulations for other swimming pools & pose a higher safety risk. Kevin also mentioned that Genoa Township prohibits all fences unless it is for a built-in pool.

Un-mowed parcel: Jack is concerned about the unsightly appearance of the un-mowed grass next to the home on Challis where the artist lives. It doesn’t give a good impression of our neighborhood when people drive in on Grand Circle. Sara suggested we send a diplomatic letter asking him to mow it. We don’t have a lot of recourse since he isn’t part of Mountain View.

Theft from vehicle: Sara & Rick talked about the minor items taken from their unlocked car overnight in their driveway recently. Reminded everyone to keep their cars locked & garage doors down.

Jeanette motioned; Michele seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Passed unanimously. Approximate time: 8:06 p.m.

Submitted by:
Sara Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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