Annual Meeting
October 9, 2007


*Due to the fact that only 15 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. Homeowners not in attendance are receiving a ballot included with these Minutes in which to vote.

Called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the conference room at the First National Bank on Challis Road, Brighton. Present: Board members - Trish Petrat, Don Merckling, & Sara Thomas. Members – Tom Bloomer, Zenon Czornij, Bruce Everett, Renee & Michael Green, Dan & Donna Kashian, Darlene Lapham, Sue & Kevin Love, Jeanette & Carl Mauch, Judy Merckling, Hal Perlman, Bob Reske, Dennis Smith, Jack Swint, Rick Thomas, & Rich Zahler.

Addition to agenda: Proposed park guidelines as item #9.

Welcome: Although not present, new members were welcomed to the neighborhood – Brian & Karen Gedda, Richard & Kristin King, and Bradley & Susan Lee.

Treasurer’s report: Sara gave a summary of the financial statement. The bank statement and the check book coincide, but Sara is off approximately $177 on her statement. She will get it balanced and send out an amended financial statement with the Minutes. Motion made by Don Merckling; seconded by Hal Perlman to approve treasurer’s report. Passed unanimously.

Sara also expressed concern about the minimal interest rate being earned on the CD at First National. Sara suggested looking at other bank rates when the CD comes up for renewal in January 2008. Motion made by Judy Merckling; seconded by Kevin Love for Sara to shop for better interest rate at a different bank, if necessary, to roll the CD in to once it’s up for renewal. Passed unanimously.

Dues: Payable in the amount of $30 and due by November 23, 2007.

Web address: www.mvia45.com was renewed for another year at $25

Park signs: Trish thanked Rick Zahler for installation and Sara for coordinating the printing of them.

Nominations for new board members: Motion made by Sue Love; seconded by Hal Perlman to keep current board. Passed unanimously.

Lawn cutting: Much appreciation to Don Merckling, Zenon Czornij, & Bruce Everett for cutting and trimming the lawn of the Hinson home. A lawn service should be doing it now since the home is listed with a real estate company.

Neighborhood party: Thanks to Dan and Donna Kashian for organizing the summer party. Many people attended and had a good time.

Park guideline discussion: Trish read draft of guidelines. Rick Thomas commented on vehicles language – what does it include? Consensus was that we add language about prohibiting bike traffic as well. Trish commented on possible park bench language needed since that was talked about in the beginning. Members feel the language potentially covers installing a bench at a future date if the neighborhood votes agreeably to do so. No structural additions or modifications without the approval of MVIA. Motion made by Hal Perlman with above-referenced amendments regarding the bike language and approval needed for any improvements; seconded by Bruce Everett. Passed unanimously.

Dog walking: Rick Zahler asked that neighbors please clean up after dogs when walking them. Concern regarding this issue was also expressed by Darlene Lapham.

Neighborhood home foreclosure discussion – Trish went through the process of keeping track of what is happening with it since it has been vacant for some time now. Board passed resolution to drain pool & lock gates for the safety of our neighborhood. This was reviewed with our attorney, Steve LaCommare. Per Zenon Czornij, a couple lights have been left on in the house and some doors have been left open. House is now for sale so that is hopeful. Sara Thomas thanked Trish for all her efforts at keeping track of this complicated process.

Brush/compost: Rick Thomas said he will be taking yard waste in a trailer to Tuthill’s if anyone is interested.

Misc.: Bruce Everett thanked the Board for all their efforts on behalf of the neighborhood. Per Hal Perlman - roundabout is being proposed at Bauer & Challis.

Adjournment - Motion made by Hal Perlman; seconded by Zenon Czornij to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Submitted by:

Sara E. Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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