Annual meeting
September 25, 2003


*Due to the fact that only 21 households are represented, all issues voted on will need to receive additional votes by ballot to complete the business. This will be done through the distribution of a cut-off ballot in an upcoming mailing.

Called to order at 7:16 p.m. in the cafeteria of Maltby Middle School. Present: Board members – Trish Petrat and Sara Thomas. (Don Merckling absent). Members – Linda Barach, Carter Carpenter, Linda Michele-Dobel, Steve Essenmacher, Bruce Everett, Michele Ford, Sally Jo & Paul Friday, Mary Ganci, Michael & Nicole Green, Michael Hamlin, Doris Longfellow, Sue & Kevin Love, Anne Matthews, Carl Mauch, Ken & Victoria Moilanen, Hal Perlman, Dennis Smith, Donna Swint, Rick Thomas, Bernie Wilke, and Rick Zahler.

Welcome: Trish welcomed new neighbors present: Michele Ford & sons, Michael Green and his daughter, Nicole, and Linda Barach.

Treasurer’s report: Sara went over the report.
(If you would like to see a copy of any Treasurer's Report, please contact Sara by clicking here to send her an e-mail with your request.)

Balance on the treasurer’s report is over by $76.09, however the checkbook and the bank statement do coincide properly. Sara thinks the transition between Carter’s last financial statement and this current one is where the discrepancy lies. She will continue to look for the error and then include a mini-statement to members with minutes. She also asked present members for current dues payment of $30.00 tonight, if possible. No comments were submitted regarding the report. Bernie motioned; Hal seconded to accept the report. Passed unanimously.

Liens reminder: Trish reminded everyone about the fact that the association will put liens on property when the dues become outstanding. This action was an agreed upon procedure by majority vote of the homeowners at the annual meeting in 2000 and is authorized by our Bylaws.

Road follow-up: All members present felt the road improvement project went well. The Road Commission will be back to finish up in a few spots pertaining to the shoulder.

Entrance sign status: Kevin updated members on the sign. He has finished building it and Trish has finished the painting of the main decorative panel. Now the full sign needs to be put together. Kevin stated that Genoa Township requires a $75 fee as well as requires a 10-foot setback from the utility/road easement. (Unfortunately, that puts the sign well in to the front yard of the Loves.) The sign is temporarily placed to see if the Road Commission will allow it in their easement. Trish will update members later on the final decision.

Board of Directors election: No nominations were submitted. Doris motioned; Linda Dobel seconded to keep the current board and officers. Passed unanimously.

Neighborhood directory: Trish has completed the new directory. Members will receive one upon dues payment. Michele stated her family information was incorrect. All corrections to the directory will be done through the next newsletter.

Deed restriction violations: Trish brought up the fact that there has been yard waste dumping on Sam Bono’s property, Lot 5, as well as along the park area. Members need to take their yard waste to a composting facility or wait until the Township has their collection day. Sara also reminded members to take care of any vehicles/trailers/equipment/boats that are stored improperly.

Review of Amendment to Deed Restrictions: The document drafted by Sara in response to the members approving to amend the Deed Restrictions back in 2001 regarding in-home businesses, needs to be reviewed by an attorney. Doris motioned; Rick Zahler seconded, to approve attorney fees up to $100 to review the document. Passed unanimously.

Proposed Bylaws amendment: Due to conflicts with the school calendar every year, it is proposed to amend Bylaws Article II – Section 2 to read: “Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of members shall be held on the second Thursday of October each year at 7 o’clock PM for the purpose of electing directors and transacting any other business which may lawfully come before the meeting. Written notice, stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting, signed by the Secretary, shall be given to each member of record entitled to vote at the meeting on or before the fourth Thursday of September each year.”

Bruce motioned; Bernie seconded, to approve the amendment of the Bylaws as stated above. Passed unanimously.

Other items of discussion:

  • Carter inquired about the summer tax bill that came out. Did they pertain to the road improvement project? It was confirmed that the summer tax bills are only regarding the school tax and our winter tax bills will be the ones to include the road project.

  • Rick Zahler brought up the issue of the amount of money the association has in its account. Sara commented on the need to have money for a legal defense fund to protect the interests of the neighborhood long-term. She suggested putting some of the funds in an interest-bearing account. Doris motioned; Michael Dobel seconded, to transfer from checking $3000 in to a 12-month interest-bearing account. Passed unanimously.

  • Park usage discussion. Michael Dobel inquired about a trail system, etc. Carl brought up the concern of liability. Carter & Kevin confirmed the area is very wet and would need extensive “management” to get a decent trail for walking. Long-term maintenance would be an issue.

  • Linda Dobel thanked the board members for keeping the neighborhood “on track” and focused. Applause followed! (Thank you!)

Bernie motioned; Dennis seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Passed unanimously. Time: 7:50 p.m.

Submitted by:
Sara Thomas
Mountain View Improvement Association



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